
Stretching Out of Your Comfort Zone

I don’t know about you, but if I’m too comfortable, I start to get nervous.

There’s this thing that happens where I feel like I need to always have tension in my business. It’s hard to describe sometimes, but it’s this push and pull of the highs and lows. And I feel that there is a healthy amount of positive tension that is always required.

It’s the impetus to want to improve. To want to create ‘wow’ experiences for your students and clients.

This week I tried out a new service called CrowdCast. I was looking for something to use with my new Case Study Implementation Group (and yes, people are actually following up!).

What I love about CrowdCast was its ability to pull viewers in quickly and then share your screen as your are coaching your student. Makes it feel very interactive.

Was I nervous? Heck yes.

Did I fumble through some of the parts? Most definitely.

But here’s the thing. I invited my students along the journey with me. I told them the moment I signed on that I was using this tool for the first time.

Guess what? Nobody complained. In fact, they were raving about it.

What’s something you’ve been meaning to try out, but have been too afraid to try? It doesn’t have to be technology-related either.

Have you been meaning to sign up to that improv class, but continuously putting it off?

Are you thinking of testing out a new email provider so you can (finally) send a newsletter to your audience? Yes, I’m talking to you.

If you are an entrepreneur then, by definition, you HAVE to be comfortable with failure. With getting up and getting knocked right back down. To have the courage to be totally open with your audience.

Anybody old enough to remember those Stretch Armstrong dolls? They were made of stretchable rubber and you and a friend could pull on each arm and streeeetttttcch him waaay out.

That should be you every once in a while.

The beauty of it is that you always bounce back.

If you’re looking for an interactive coaching platform I can’t recommend enough.

Try it out here.

With gratitude,

Harry ‘Out of My Comfort Zone’ Duran
