Guest Guidelines for a Successful Interview

In preparation for your upcoming interview, we've created this simple checklist to ensure you have the best experience!

Prior to the Interview

  • Drink enough water prior to the interview. It's always a good idea to be hydrated.
  • We recommend you use your earbuds or headphones for the interview, plugged into your computer's headphone jack. This will prevent any feedback making its way into the recording, and allow you to monitor your own voice as well.
  • We recommend SquadCast for recording remote conversations in high quality. Use coupon code “PJHOST” to get your first month free.
  • If you are using an external USB microphone, confirm the settings show your microphone selected.
  • If you are using an external microphone, keep about an inch of distance between you and the microphone. It's best to talk across the mic, to minimize any popping sounds from your voice (this tends to happen with words that begin with ‘P').
  • To minimize the impact of internet services like Google Drive or Dropbox affecting your signal, we recommend installing TripMode ( This wonderful $8 app allows you to toggle which apps are connected to the internet during your interview. It's best to have them all off, with the exception of the tool you're using.
  • At the very least, if not using TripMode, pause your Google Drive and/or Dropbox during the interview. If possible, close every program besides your conference tool. This conserves valuable CPU processing power.
  • During the call, please refrain from typing on your keyboard as this will be picked up by the microphone.
  • Remember to use the mute button if you need to cough, clear your throat, or take a drink of water.
  • It's always best to join the call a few minutes early as this allows time to test the audio.
  • Most importantly, relax. It's going to be a great conversation!

Interview Guidelines

It's recommended that you read our blog post, How to Plan For a Successful Interview, where Harry covers the preparation in detail. Additionally, he provides guidelines for what to expect during the interview.

Post-Interview Guidelines

If you haven't provided this information already when scheduling the call, please be sure to send the following to your podcast host:

  • A high-resolution headshot or bio photo, which will be used for promotion of your episode.
  • The primary website where you would like to send listeners.
  • Links to the social media accounts you are currently using for yourself or your business, as this will ensure promotion using the correct links. (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube)

Interviewer Guidelines

Plan on hosting your own interview soon? I recently had the honor of having Jordan Harbinger back on my show, Podcast Junkies. In this episode he provides a master class on how to be a great interviewer. Definitely chock full of relevant tips, you'll want to have a pen and notepad handy!