Episode Zero

Episode Zero is important, as it serves as an introduction to your show.

From our standpoint, it serves multiple purposes:

  1. It introduces the listener to you.
  2. It allows us to have audio to submit the show to Apple Podcasts. As this process can sometimes take several days, having this episode allows us to start the process and ensure everything looks OK once Episode 1 is ready.
  3. It can be used as a reference in future episodes. You can direct new listeners to the episode for the background story.

These are the components which you should include:

  • Introduce yourself and a bit of background story. This should serve to demonstrate why you are qualified to lead this conversation.
  • The reason for the podcast, why you felt there was a need for this.
  • Talk about your plans for the show, guests expected, how often you will be publishing.
  • Let them know their feedback is important.
  • Give them a reason to subscribe.
  • If launch frequency is different than what the regular schedule will be, this is the time to let them know.
  • Keep it friendly and conversational!

Client Examples

Wake Up & Give Love

CEO BrainFood

Forward Looking Business

The Remarkable CEO

Zen Money Monday

Better! with Dr. Stephanie