
Podcasting For Thought Leaders – Launch Intensive Promotion

Welcome Friends and Fans!

Thanks so much for your support in helping to spread the word about my upcoming Podcasting For Thought Leaders Launch Intensive. Feel free to select the platform you're most active on. Below are the direct links to the original post.

Here is the link to the event page: http://fullcast.co/intensive

For best results and to increase virality of that post it would be great if you could reshare the post, with a few words from you. Nothing too fancy, the more casual and off the cuff, the better.

“Ready to launch your podcast? This 2-day intensive by my friend Harry is perfect for you.”

The links below are the actual live posts. Click the appropriate link below to play/open and share the post with your audience.

Facebook Post

LinkedIn Post

Podcasting For Thought Leaders Launch Intensive

Twitter Post